Aspartame kills??
afreshproduction: i think i'll have a 'regular' Coke
afreshproduction: today
afreshproduction: it's Friday, y not
marooned1984: instead of vanilla?
afreshproduction: instead of Diet
marooned1984: ah
marooned1984: you drink diet?
marooned1984: that's cancer juice
afreshproduction: y?
afreshproduction: aspartame?
marooned1984: yeah
afreshproduction: hmm - is it really?
marooned1984: i dunno
marooned1984: isn't it?
afreshproduction: i don't know
Conclusion, fellow consumers?? Drink as much Diet
Coke as you want. Drink it all day every day. Load
up on aspartame. Drin Diet Coke until your local
grocer runs out and has to order more. And send those
good folks at Coke a nice email congratulating them on
a truly satisfying product.
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