Super Terrific Happy Blog

Friday, May 28, 2004

Aspartame kills??

afreshproduction: i think i'll have a 'regular' Coke
afreshproduction: today
afreshproduction: it's Friday, y not
marooned1984: instead of vanilla?
afreshproduction: instead of Diet
marooned1984: ah
marooned1984: you drink diet?
marooned1984: that's cancer juice
afreshproduction: y?
afreshproduction: aspartame?
marooned1984: yeah
afreshproduction: hmm - is it really?
marooned1984: i dunno
marooned1984: isn't it?
afreshproduction: i don't know

Conclusion, fellow consumers?? Drink as much Diet
Coke as you want. Drink it all day every day. Load
up on aspartame. Drin Diet Coke until your local
grocer runs out and has to order more. And send those
good folks at Coke a nice email congratulating them on
a truly satisfying product.

For those of who who don't know...

This is one of the most read blog's out there. Usually has good links to start trailing off into interesting threads.


My Recent iTunes additions?

This will become a permanent addition on the right
side nav of the blog soon - but here's some new stuff
I've been listening to in the last six months:

Aesop Rock - Bazooka Tooth (Hip Hop)
Four Tet - Rounds (Electronic)
Amon Tobin - Supermodified (Electronic)
Missy Elliott - Under Construction (Hop Hop)
50 Cent - Get Rich... (Hip Hop)
Mogwai - Young Team (Post-Rock)
Denali - The Instinct (Post-Rock)
Cardigans - Gran Turismo (Rock)
RadioActive Man vs. Transparent Sound - Beatz Clash...

I'll also be adding various top 10 MP3 lists. Stay
tuned - UTalkinToMe? is going to post the first
Epicurean tale for all of our faithful readers. He is
our Senior Food and Wine Critic and will be regaling
all of us with the charismatic tale of the Malbec.


Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Don't buy bulk in the morning

Warning: It’s bad form to buy your bulk coffee at Starbucks in the morning. Especially when the style you ordered is out of stock and one of the only two people working has to go and try and find more while the whole line is waiting just to get a simple Grande Drip w/ Cold Soy.

Remedy: Please buy Bulk after 5pm M-F or after 12pm on the weekends. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Hello fellow consumers. I live an exciting, devil may care, outlandishly provocative yet provincial life and wanted to share my experiences with the world at large. My motto - "Always have coffee after you shower..." has served me well and really pulled me through the rough times. More about *ME* to follow.

First, let's disuss how I named my blog. My original thought, which I soon discovered was anything but original, was to name the blog after one of my top six Radiohead songs (if you don't know who Radiohead is please hit the 'Back' button on your browser). I would listen to my top six and then pick the one I felt most strongly about at that particular time. Well, viewers, my plan was thwarted(sp?). yeah, ok, Karma Police (taken), Fake Plastic Trees (taken), Exit Music (taken), Knives Out (gone). Anywho, my next idea was to call it 'Internal Exception' cuz I programz Java for a living. Naw. Then, I thought of '100 Percent Kona' because I really enjoy the full bodied, smoky yet nutty aroma of the Hawaii coffee bean. And, as you'll soon discover, this is going to be one damned flavorful Blog. But that seemed to esoteric and I want to be inclusive, dammitt! So I named it after one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes - The Super Terrific Happy Hour!

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